
Addressing Knee Pain Head On – 4 Ways to Actively Reprogram Your Body

people doing yoga for knee pain

There is nothing wrong with you for experiencing knee and/or lower back pain, but there might be something wrong with the way your body and muscles are responding to the pain.  In other words, your body may have developed habits along the way that, over time, have affected your naturally healthy posture and movement.  As […]

Knee Osteoarthritis – The Most Common Culprit of Knee Pain

Knee Osteoarthritis, or knee OA, is one of the  most common types of arthritis and a main cause of disability among adults, and it’s on the rise. The combination of the global trend towards obesity and an aging population worldwide ensures that knee OA continues to be a problem.  Symptoms  The primary symptoms of knee […]

[Watch] Effortless Success – How AposHealth® Works Without You Changing Your Routine

People have been wondering how AposHealth® improves walking patterns (gait) while patients go about their regular routines. This is how the AposHealth footworn device re-educates your brain and body towards better movement patterns42 while you go about your regular routine. How does that work? AposHealth works ‘in the background.’ Here’s how… If you prefer reading, […]

How Gait Analysis Can Help Relieve Knee Pain

Whether your goal is to treat painful knee osteoarthritis or to gain an edge in the hundred-yard dash in the next Olympic Games, a thorough gait analysis can provide valuable insight into how and why your body functions and moves the way it does. AposHealth® trained clinicians use a gait analysis to help map out […]

Can Losing Weight Prevent Knee Pain?

While obesity can put you at a higher risk of knee joint deterioration, can losing weight help decrease the rate of deterioration? And how much weight must one lose?